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Értő olvasathoz értő olvasó kell!
György Wéber

György Wéber MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery (Semmelweis & University of Pécs)
Member of Section of Medical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Péterfy Sándor Utcai Hospital-Clinic and Trauma Centre, Budapest
Department of Surgery, National Institute of Hematology and Infectious

György Wéber MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery (Semmelweis & University of Pécs), Member of Section of Medical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences graduated at the Medical University of Pécs in 1978. He is qualified general (1982) and vascular surgeon (1985), obtained his PhD degree in 1997. He was appointed to professor of surgery in 2003. After more than thirty years of surgical practice in Pécs he was invited in 2010 to Semmelweis University (Budapest) and founded the Department of Surgical Research and Techniques.

His name is associated with the introduction of intraoperative balloon catheter angioplasty in Hungary, and the development of the special balloon catheter required for this. He performed the minilaparotomy aortoiliac reconstruction first in the world, and the first hand-assisted laparoscopic aortobifemoral bypass implantation in Hungary.

He has been invited several times to teach these new techniques to the Harvard University (Boston), he was invited lecturer at continuing education courses at Montefiore Medical Center in New York, and held regular surgical demonstrations at the University of Naples. At the turn of the millennium he organized the national, multicentre, prospective, randomized Investigations of groin and abdominal wall hernias. As a result of these studies there has been significant change of attitude in Hungarian hernia surgery, and the use of hernia mesh has become widespread.

Szerző írása

Andrea Ferencz, Ferencz Andrea, Wéber György, György Wéber, József Sándor, Sándor József

12.500 Ft
11.500 Ft
Basic Surgical Techniques

Andrea Ferencz, György Wéber, József Sándor

Neked ajánljuk
A személyleírás

Anti Csaba

6.000 Ft
3.000 Ft
ÚJ e
Tale Travellers

Pál Békésy

4.000 Ft

Békésy Pál

4.500 Ft
Legendus Könyvesbolt
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4., Aula (a Semmelweis Egyetem toronyépülete)
Telefon: 06-1-210-4408

Nyitvatartási idő:
Hétfő, kedd, szerda: 9:00–16:00
Csütörtök: 9:00–18:00
Péntek: 8:00–14:00

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Telefon: 06 20 374-0160

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