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Értő olvasathoz értő olvasó kell!
Andrea Ferencz

Associate Professor, General Surgeon Specialist, medical doctor possessing a Law degree
Director of the Department of Surgical Research and Techniques, Heart and Vascular Center,
Semmelweis University, Budapest


Dr. Andrea Ferencz (1972) graduated on the University of Pécs (PTE) with general medical degree in 1998. In 2003 she obtained her PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Rőth. From 2000 she did her surgical internship at the Surgical Clinic of PTE and passed the general surgery specialist examination in 2006. From 2007 to 2010 she was a Bolyai János fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2010 she obtained a medical doctor possessing a Law degree from the Faculty of Law of PTE, and from 2016 she forensic medical expert from surgery. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience in the undergraduate teaching of basic surgical techniques to Hungarian and English students, in the examination, in the teaching of credit courses, and in the supervision of TDK students. Since 1999, he has been teaching manual skills development to residents in Surgical Skill Training in Pécs, which launched at Semmelweis University from 2016. Since 2011, she has been working as an associate professor at the re-launched Department of Surgical Research and Techniques on the Semmelweis University, from 2018 she is the director of the Department.

Szerző írása

Andrea Ferencz, Ferencz Andrea, Wéber György, György Wéber, József Sándor, Sándor József

12.500 Ft
11.500 Ft
Basic Surgical Techniques

Andrea Ferencz, György Wéber, József Sándor

Neked ajánljuk
ÚJ e
Tale Travellers

Pál Békésy

4.000 Ft
A személyleírás

Anti Csaba

6.000 Ft
3.000 Ft

Békésy Pál

4.500 Ft
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4. I. emelet
Telefon: 06 20 374-0160

Poszterbox megrendelésével kapcsolatban kérjük telefonon érdeklődjön!

Legendus Könyvesbolt
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4., Aula (a Semmelweis Egyetem toronyépülete)
Telefon: 06-1-210-4408

Nyitvatartási idő:
Hétfő, kedd, szerda: 9:00–16:00
Csütörtök: 9:00–18:00
Péntek: 8:00–14:00

Ünnepi nyitvatartás! A Legendus könyvesbolt 2024. dec. 23.-ától 2025. január 5-ig zárva! A 2024. dec. 20.-ától interneten beérkezett megrendeléseket dec. 29.-i feladással teljesítjük. Az utána történő megrendeléseket 2025. január 6-tól dolgozzuk fel.

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