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Értő olvasathoz értő olvasó kell!

E-patients and E-physicians in Hungary

Értékelés: nagyszerű
Értékeld Te is!
Nóra Radó, Zsuzsa Győrffy
Oldalszám: 94
Kiadás dátuma: 2024-11-27
ISBN: 9789633316443
Nyelvek: angol
Fileméret (pdf): 18 MB
Kiadó: Semmelweis Kiadó

“The future of health is digital,” said WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Doreen Bogdan Martin, ITU secretary-general, in a joint statement, “We must work together to promote universal access to these innovations and prevent them from becoming another driver of inequality.” 


In an era shaped by rapid digital advancements and the COVID pandemic, our e-book entitled E-Patients and E-Physicians in Hungary delves into the profound shifts reshaping Hungarian healthcare. This book explores the starting experiments with integrating telemedicine, digital health tools, and AI in medical practice and patient care, shedding light on the unique opportunities and challenges that digitalization brings. From analyzing healthcare access among vulnerable populations to examining the impact of telemedicine on traditional patient-doctor relationships, this work provides a comprehensive view of how digital health technologies started to transform the healthcare landscape in Hungary.

Backed by four years of extensive research conducted by the Digital Health Working Group at Semmelweis University, this volume, which collects the revised versions of the publications of the working group, presents data and insights from physicians, patients, and medical students, drawing among others on surveys, pilot projects, and social media analyses. Our book entitled E-Patients and E-Physicians in Hungary can serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, healthcare providers, and digital health enthusiasts who seek to understand and support the future of inclusive and accessible healthcare in our digital age.



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