Basics of Medical Microbiology - E-book

Dóra SzabóOldalszám: 387
ISBN: 9789633315712
Nyelvek: magyar
Fileméret (pdf): 12 MB
Kiadó: Semmelweis Kiadó
Figyelem! A Semmelweis Egyetem ÁOK-hallgatóinak ingyenes letöltést biztosítunk az e-learning keretében.
Attention! We provide ÁOK students of Semmelweis University with a free download as part of e-learning.
Microbiology is one of the oldest applied sciences. The discoveries made more than 150 years ago by the pioneers of microbiology - such as Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur, Endre Hőgyes, Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis - and their clinical applications are still valid today. Since the technical advances of the XX. century, our knowledge of human and microbial genetics has increased dramatically, leading to the explosive development of microbiology. Understanding the microbial genomes in the interactions between infectious agents and the host, mapping their mechanisms developed to evade immune defenses, and the rapid spread of new pathogens, such as multidrug-resistant bacteria and the new pandemic virus SARS-CoV2, poses a great challenge to microbiology. This e-book provides a general overview of all areas of medical microbiology - bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology- which are essential for all medical disciplines.